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Cupar Store is now closed.

Our Strathmiglo Store is open Mon to Sun 9am to 5pm

Retail Shop

How to Find Us

Our Strathmiglo shop, in Fife, is located in the small village of Strathmiglo, which is only 5 miles from junction 8 of the M90, the main route north to the Highlands of Scotland, on the A91, which is the main route travelling west to St Andrews. We are 20 miles west of St Andrews, and still only 30 miles from the centre of Edinburgh.


In our shop you can view our range of fine footwear and clothing for both country professionals and country enthusiasts. We stock many of the range included in our mail order catalogue and on this website. We stock a wide range of Hoggs products, for either work or leisure, plus a large number of styles which are not shown on our website or in our catalogue. In particular, we have an extensive range of ladies wear, not currently available via the website or catalogue.

Our Service

If you have a specific style in mind, it is always wise to phone ahead before travelling to visit us, to ensure we have your size in stock at the time. Whatever your needs, you are always guaranteed a warm welcome when you visit us.

Contact Us

Our STRATHMIGLO address is:
Fife Country, 55 High Street, Strathmiglo, Fife KY14 7QA, Scotland
Tel: +44(0) 1337 860202

Opening Hours

Strathmiglo: Monday to Sunday 9.00am - 5.00pm